HMD Light: Sharing In-VR Experience via Head-Mounted Projector for Asymmetric Interaction

Published in ACM UIST 2020 [paper] [video]

Chiu-Hsuan Wang, Seraphina Yong, Hsin-Yu Chen, Yuan-Syun Ye, and Liwei Chan. 2020. HMD Light: Sharing In-VR Experience via Head-Mounted Projector for Asymmetric Interaction. In Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST ’20). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 472–486.


We present HMD Light, a proof-of-concept Head-Mounted Display (HMD) implementation that reveals the Virtual Reality (VR) user’s experience in the physical environment to facilitate communication between VR and external users in a mobile VR context. While previous work externalized the VR user’s experience through an on-HMD display, HMD Light places the display into the physical environment to enable larger display and interaction area. This work explores the interaction design space of HMD Light and presents four applications to demonstrate its versatility. Our exploratory user study observed participant pairs experience applications with HMD Light and evaluated usability, accessibility and social presence between users. From the results, we distill design insights for HMD Light and asymmetric VR collaboration.

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